martes, 8 de abril de 2014


                        Hello kids!

1.¿ Do you know in wich season are the children in every moment of the song? take a look!

Very good! You have studied all the seasons.

2. Now you are prepared to do this finally activities. 

3. Here you are worksheets. You can print it o write the answers on your notebook. 

3. Make it yourself!

Bye Bye Kids!

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014


Hello kids! welcome to  

1. Let´s watch this vocabulary video.

  • In winter is cold 
  • The trees lose their leaves.
  • In winter can rain and snow.
  • We wear gloves, boots , scarf and  coat to go out.
  •  The winter Months are: December, January and February.  
  •  Christmas is here! 
click on daddy noel to play a game 

2. Click to learn more Vocabulary.

3. Let´s practice! Do the activities:

Review de words in picture dictionary  

Activity 1  (Join the word with the picture)
Activity 2  (Spell the word) 
Activity 3  (Guess the mystery word)
Activity 4  (Questions)

4.Click on the Snowman to listen the story

File:Snowman icon.png

5. Enjoy this funny winter song!

Bye Bye kids

Imagen del muñeco de nieve bajo licencia Creative Commons reconocimiento-compartir igual, extraída de


Hello kids! welcome to   


             1. Let´s watch this vocabulary video.

  • The leaves fall from trees 
  • The leaves are yellow, brown and orange
  • Temperate climate with plenty of rain and wind 
  • The days and nights are of equal length 
  • The autumn Months are September, October and November
  • Halloween is here!

2. Click to learn more Vocabulary.

3. Let´s practice! Do the activities:

Review the words in picture dictionary

Activity 1 (Join the word with the picture)
Activity 2 (Spell the word) 
Activity 3 (Guess the mystery word)
Activity 4 (Questions)
Activity 5 (Quiz)
Activity 6 (Vocabulary game)

4.Click on the image to listen the story

5. Enjoy these fun spring songs:

Bye Bye kids


Hello kids! Welcome to 

1.Let´s watch this vocabulary video

  • In summer is hot and sunny.
  • We go to the swimming pool and to the beach.
  • We wear the swimsuit, and the umbrella to goig to the beach.
  • Summer months are : June, July and August

2. Click to learn more Vocabulary

3. Let´s Practice! Do the Activities:

Review the words in picture dictionary

Activity 1: Match the words and the pictures. 
Activity 2: Spell the word.
Activity 3: Guess the mistery  word 
Activity 4: Choose the word
Activity 5 : Quiz 

4. Click on Clan to watch Peppa Pig enjoying in the swimming pool !

5. Enjoy singing this funny summer song!  

6.Click on the sun to listen a story 

Bye bye Kids

Imagen de clan, bajo licencia de Google de reutilización no comercial, extraída de


  Hello kids! welcome to  

1. Let´s watch this vocabulary video.

  • Season where everything changes.
  • The most colorful season of all.
  • It's sunny and warm.
  • Blooming plants and flowers.
  • The first leaves appear on trees.
  • Easter is here!

How many months does the spring?

What are they?

2. Click to learn more Vocabulary

3. Let´s practice! Do the activities:

Review de words in picture dictionary: Easter

Activity 1 (Join the word with the picture)
Activity 2 (Spell the word)
Activity 3 (Guess the mystery word)
Activity 4 (Easter picture test)
Activity 5 (Questions)

Review de words in picture dictionary: Spring flowers
Activity 6 (Join the word with the picture)
Activity 7 (Spell the word)
Activity 8 (Guess the mystery word)
Activity 9 (Questions)
Activity 10 (Quiz)


4.Click on the image to listen the story

5. Enjoy these fun spring songs:

Easter is here! Do you like it ?

  • Click on the following link for activities
  • Enjoy this game on easter

What do you think are nice activities to do in spring?

                              Bye Bye kids


Welcome to the English blog!  in these sessions  we are going to study:  

The SEASONS of the year

  • Do you know in wich season are we  now?
   Listening this video can help you:

  • Perfect! Now we are in SPRING. 
  • In Spring there are a lot of coloured flowers.

Whats the weather like ?

We are going to review the weather
(Click on the sun)

In nexts sessions we are going to study every season. 

                     Bye bye kids